Carbohydrates like royalty …

Carbohydrates like royalty …

Over half the daily amount of calories, namely 50-55%, your child should consume in the form of carbohydrates. Less recommended are because of the low nutrient density (page 6) Zucker, Lemonades, White bread, Pastries and sweets. You don't just cause
Caries, but also constipation and are to blame for a poor supply of vitamins. Very valuable sources of carbohydrates, however, are whole grain cereals and everything, what is made of it, like muesli or bread; of course also vegetables and fruits. In addition to the vitamins and minerals, these carbohydrates also provide the important fiber, that ensure regular digestion. About half of the carbohydrates should be eaten raw, because then your child will also be able to enjoy the sensitive vitamins and nutrients, which are destroyed during cooking. In addition, the fiber is more effective raw. But: Your child does not have to become a "grain eater". When fresh-grain muesli, Raw fruit and fresh salads are on the menu every day, do you have the 50% easily reached. In the
However, reality looks different today: About half of the carbohydrates are accounted for in the less valuable delicacies.

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