Is fast food harmful?

Is fast food harmful?

Fasl Food is too letl, too salty and low in B vitamins and fiber. Studies have shown that.

But if the children choose the right thing – namely whole milk, a hamburger and a salad, then the balance sheet doesn't look so bad. But which child decides so carefully? Fast food has a lot to do with "in"- to be doing, to have the feeling, to be taken seriously even as a child, Meet friends, to have fun. And if it were fast food, then also right with cola, Burger and fries with mayonnaise. Quite apart from the high number of calories and low nutrient density, fast food items often contain preservatives and colorings. They are therefore unsuitable as permanent catering. But fast food is no longer an indispensable part of our children's world. So we shouldn't demonize them, but don't make something special either – and certainly not a habit!

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