What to do about baby fat?

What to do about baby fat?

Who eats more calories, as he consumed, gets fat. But it's not that simple. There seems to be a hereditary predisposition to be a "good feed user", which already attaches fat pads with low energy intake. But so far there is only one way, to reduce these reserves: eat less, than you actually need. Children have a great advantage in this: they grow. So the calorie intake only has to be frozen over a longer period of time, so to speak, so that the child comes to a normal weight. At the same time, the children should be encouraged to do more physical activity, because a physically active child is usually not fat – so losing weight is also fun.
But the key is support from parents, which is all the more difficult, if they are overweight themselves. Then what can you do?

• Machen Sie Ihre Liebe nicht vom Gewicht des Kindes abhängig. Make him feel, that a decrease is important for the child himself, but not for your feelings towards him. Don't let the step on the scales degenerate into pressure to perform and the topic of "losing weight" not become the main topic of conversation.

• Kümmern Sie sich vielmehr stärker um Ihr Kind, do not leave it alone in free time – possibly in front of the television. Joint activities with school friends, Hobbies and conversations are the best distraction from eating.

• Kochen Sie kalorien- and health conscious, as described in this book. Get rid of snacks and sweets from the house

für alle. Remove juices and sodas from your shopping list. And discuss these decisions and the reasons for them with your child.

• Motivieren Sie alle, who have frequent contact with your child, to help. So that no grandmother has to secretly comfort the poor child with chocolate over the diet frustration.

• Krankenkassen bieten teilweise schon Ernährungsberatungen für übergewichtige Kinder an. They can possibly also take part in group therapies there. Because it is easier for children to lose weight in a company.

• Das Institut für Ernährung in 8132 Tutzing (Tel. 0 8158/2013) has a child nutrition service for overweight children between 6 and 16 Years developed. After a detailed questionnaire, the participants receive all of them 14 Days an individually designed menu by post. The advice extends over 3 Months. If unsuccessful, it will open for free 6 Months extended. The cost of this is 245,- Euros and are supported by many health insurance companies (between 50% and 100%).

• Planen Sie regelmäßige körperliche Bewegung für Ihr Kind ein. Some group therapies already have this in their program. Another option is to join a sports club. You may have to help yourself at the beginning.

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