The main issue: the motivation

The main issue: the motivation

What and how our children should eat, is actually clear. Getting the right food, is not a problem for us. But: How do we get our children to do this?, Wholemeal bread instead of "mud rolls", To eat apples instead of carrots and herb quark instead of smeared sausage; not to mention mineral water, Raw vegetable salads and fresh grain mueslis?
While the toddler is still very instinctive in his eating behavior, The importance of external influences grows in schoolchildren. If it succeeds, the school child the connection between the environment, To bring them closer to food and their body, then we parents have a chance, to positively influence his behavior. Our own behavior is very important. Only if we consciously feed ourselves, our children take this argument from us. Is helpful, that the school is paying more and more attention to ecological aspects in the classroom and that it is again devoting itself to nutrition in primary school.

That is a favorable situation, that we parents should use.

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