Nothing works in the morning!

Nothing works in the morning!

Is your child one of the 12%, the morning nothing or to the 34%, who do not have a sensible breakfast and who therefore quickly lack the energy to study in the morning? Try, to whet the appetite of those who are grumpy about early luck:

• Wenn es morgens hetzig ist, should be discussed in the evening, what your child wants to eat in the morning, and also prepare everything.

• Wer morgens bereits ein Frischkorn-Müsli mit Früchten ißt, has almost fulfilled his target of raw food and the best tools for the day. Your child may even want to grind and soak their own grain, choose the fruit and chop it up? Such a muesli of your choice is sure to whet your appetite than a ready-made mixture!

• Wer wirklich nichts herunterkriegt, he should at least drink something substantial. Try mixed milk drinks with your child once in the afternoon. It certainly depends on the taste – and you know, what it likes!

• Machen Sie sich Gedanken über den morgendlichen Ablauf und die Schule. Maybe everything is too hectic, or your child is afraid, that rob him of his appetite. The first problem can be solved by borrowing earlier, the second takes a lot of time, empathy, possibly a conversation with the teacher.

• Frühstücken Sie gemeinsam – that whets the appetite and distracts the little breakfast bugger. But don't let the breakfast issue become a power issue!

• Hier noch eine etwas aufwendigere Idee: Have your child take a classmate out for breakfast.


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