Bread on skewers

Bread on skewersBread on skewers

This variant is playful and comfortable: something for lazy children!

Allowances_for 1 School child:
1 large slice of whole bread
1 Eßl. Butler (about 15 g)
1 Eßl. Cream cheese with herbs
3-4 radish
1 about 2 cm thick cucumber slice
1 Slice of turkey ham
2 Cube of Gouda
1 Schaschlikspieß

Takes some time for linnets

About: 2000 kJ / 480 kcal
20 g protein – 30 g of fat
31 g of carbohydrates

Preparation time: about 15 Minutes

1. Brush the wholemeal bread with the butter and cream cheese. Halve the slice, fold the halves together and divide into four pieces.
2.Clean and wash the radishes. Cut the cucumber slice and turkey ham through. The cucumber pieces each with 1/2 Wrap a slice of turkey ham.
3.The pieces of bread, the radishes, Place the cheese cubes and the cucumber slices alternately on a long skewer.
4. Put the skewer in a breakfast bag and ideally transport it in a plastic shipping tube.


For those with a sweet tooth, the skewer may consist of pieces of fruit and wholemeal bread with carrot butter or nut butter. Thin children can also nibble dry escapes off the spit. But never forget the bread!

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